Minnesota Department of Education has Career and College Success recommendations to schools Kindergarten through 12th grade. One resource that is available is the Career and College Success website and resources. Fortunately, there are many resources available to educators to implement these new standards into their classrooms–many of which are listed below.

Minnesota Ag in the Classroom Resources
AgVenture: Sourcing Ag Careers – Students consider the scope of agriculture and how it is the source of most of our day-to-day necessities in preparation to explore the five agricultural career pathways.
Career Gaming – Through project-based learning, students will design games that will assist others with identifying a variety of agricultural careers, possible emerging agricultural careers, the education required for agricultural career options, and the salaries that can be expected in each career.
Career Trek – Students will explore careers in the fields of agriculture and natural resources through online research. They will check their understanding by playing Career Trek—a board game that requires students to identify careers in agriculture and natural resources.
Charting Agricultural Careers – Students will use infographics and charts to explore the careers that produce food, clothing, shelter, and fuel along with a variety of agricultural STEM careers requiring critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Find Your Future Career – Students discover the variety of agricultural careers available and consider their future career paths in terms of economics, interests, and suitability to their personal talents and characteristics.
Fueling Up for a Career in Biofuels – Students will recognize the importance of fuel energy and the fact that agriculture can produce biofuel; students will identify career opportunities in the biofuel industry.
GIS and GPS Technology in Agriculture – Students will explore technical careers in agriculture and learn how GPS and GIS technologies are used to improve agricultural production.
Grow it Now, Drive it Later? – Students will discover potential careers in agriculture with a focus on the growing field of biofuel development.
Journey 2050 Lesson 6: Careers for 2050 and Beyond! – Students will explore careers related to agriculture, identify personal interests within agriculture or a related field and discuss how agricultural professionals can impact world food.
Careers in Agriculture E-Book – A secondary level e-book designed as a guide for students and young people considering their career opportunities by presenting them with a current, in-depth, thorough, and real view of the agricultural industry. Each page is equipped with interactive links to videos, further reading, and more.
Careers in Agriculture Videos – This collection of 40 short videos highlights a wide variety of careers in agriculture and natural resources. Each video is one to four minutes long and features an interview with a professional working in an agricultural field. Give your students time to explore these videos on their own or select a few to show in class. Allow students to hear directly from a plant scientist, a cheese production manager, an algae farmer, or a GIS specialist and learn how these professionals chose the career paths that got them where they are today.
Field to Film Career Snapshots – Explore more than 20 agriculture-related careers with these “snapshot” videos. The video playlist features careers on the farm and many others in sales, technology, education, and more.
Ag and Food Careers – This website, put together by a partnership of agricultural organizations in Pennsylvania, has agricultural career resources that are applicable for all states. See over 50 careers in agriculture through videos, and infographics on the Ag & Food Careers List. Additionally, there is an Educator Resource section that includes 4 web scavenger hunts to guide students through the videos.
Careers for Green Thumbs – Students interested in a plant science career can use this website to find information on specialized career paths in the fields of agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Discover the demand for nursery and greenhouse workers, horticulturists, florists, flower specialists, and more.
Corteva Grows Science Outreach Career Paths – Explore science-related career paths such as those available at Corteva Agriscience. Explore career-path PDFs and career videos.
National FFA AgExplorer – AgExplorer is a comprehensive career resource to help you explore the broad range of careers within the industry of agriculture. Careers may have you using advanced equipment, creating new hybrid seeds, raising animals, managing people, or designing new products and packaging. The industry of agriculture can open up a world of possibilities, and the demand for professionals in every agricultural area is high. Learn more about which career might be right for you by watching the videos, exploring the career pages, and completing the Career Finder interactive.
Minnesota State University
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Website – Guide students to career success using the tools and resources in the AgCareers.com Agriculture and Food Career Guide.
Careers and Employment in Agriculture – A list of career links compiled by Minnesota State University.
Ag and Food Career Guide – The purpose of the guide is career education and connecting people to the varied and numerous career in the agriculture and food industries. The Ag & Food Career Guide is a supplemental piece developed to be a resource guide for students and young professionals to compare businesses within the agriculture and food industry and their opportunities for internships and employment. The piece also contains a variety of helpful articles to help add shelf-life to the piece, and truly help the piece act as a guide for students as they go about their career search.
Ag Explorer Career Finder – The industry of agriculture can open up a world of possibilities, and the demand for professionals in every agricultural area is high. Learn more about which career may be right for you by completing the Career Finder interactive.
Career Success Library – A collection of helpful content and resources that AgCareers.com has developed to help job seekers along their journey! Whether you are a student just starting or an experienced professional, AgCareers.com’s Career Success Library has the tools to help you find success. The Career Success Library is organized into six categories.
Career Profiles – The AgCareers.com Career Profiles were created as a resource to increase learning and understanding around the great variety of opportunities in agriculture and food. To browse our more than 250 Career Profiles, select a pathway of interest to you. Then locate a Career Profile title you would like to read more about. Each Career Profile contains an overview, job responsibilities, required education, recommended high school courses, potential employers, job outlook, and professional organizations to join. There are also current career opportunities live on AgCareers.com related to each Career Profile at the bottom of their respective pages.
Ag Education Page (Education Profiles, Scholarships, Agriculture Schools) – Search for jobs, schools and scholarships.
Ag and Food HR Roundtable – The combination of agriculture and food employers, associations, and educational professionals provides a unique and rewarding experience found nowhere else. Learn from talented presenters about the latest trends in agriculture & food jobs, career preparedness, human resources, recruiting, internships and more.
Ag Careers at Cargill – Search for jobs anywhere worldwide within the Cargill organization.
Other options for schools and educators to promote career awareness