Farm Camp Minnesota provides grades 5-12 classrooms throughout the state of Minnesota the opportunity to step foot in an agribusiness or on a farm and make connections to potential careers. The three step process begins with students learning from standards-based, grade specific curriculum that establishes the foundation for the field trip, the second step of a Farm Camp. After the onsite or virtual farm or agribusiness visit, students explore the many career opportunities available in agriculture. As a result of this Farm Camp in Bemidji, students have a 29% increase in understanding of how agriculture is used in their life!

About the Farm Camp at Wells Technology in Bemidji, MN
Monday, October 9th, was a great day, as the 6th grade class from Kelliher participated in a Farm Camp at Wells Technology in Bemidji, MN. Students got to see product design, manufacturing, inspection, shipping, and examples of sales work. They also talked about solar energy (which powers the factory and the farm) and how the solar panels move to follow the sun.
The students found the solar panels so interesting. They were surprised to learn that things can be measured by shadows and “how big rocket ships really are. The normal rocket ship is 10 times bigger than the model they had there, and that model is big!"
Wells Technology 6th Grade Farm Camp Results
Before the Farm Camp, 38% of students could name 3 ways agriculture is used in their life. After the Farm Camp, 67% of students could name 3 ways agriculture is used in their life. This was a 29% growth in understanding as a result of one Farm Camp experience!
Hear From President and CEO of Wells Technology on Farm Camp Experience
Andy Wells, of Wells Technology, had wonderful things to say about the Farm Camp experience as an AgHost: “We enjoyed having the students here. They were well mannered and had lots of great questions. Our employees enjoy seeing and helping young people learn about technology. Sometimes a student will see something on a tour like this that triggers an idea for them of what career or project they would like to pursue. I wish more businesses would open their doors to young people to help inspire them for future careers.”
Thank you staff of Well Technology for making a great impact on these 6th grade students and opening your doors for this Farm Camp Experience.